Driving home a motorcycle safety message
Warmer weather means sharing the roadways with more motorcycles. Last year in Delaware, there were 17 fatalities involving motorcycles, with both motorists and motorcycle riders at fault. The Delaware Office of Highway Safety is determined to bring that number down by raising motorists’ awareness of motorcycles on the roads and educating motorcycle riders on ways to protect themselves. To drive home the message, the Delaware Office of Highway Safety asked AB&C to create a two-pronged campaign.
To target motorists, we used billboards and outdoor posters, mirror clings in rest stop bathrooms, and radio commercials. The message focused on reminding drivers to look out for motorcycles on the roads.
- Window cling
- Billboard
- Billboard
For motorcycle riders, education and safety were the key messages. We created a website to provide riders with suggested routes, links to safety courses and basic tips for safe riding. Its responsive design allows visitors to experience the website just as well on smaller devices — such as smart phones and tablets — as on desktops and laptops. To reach riders, we also created pull-up banners, window clings and posters for display in local dealerships.
- Window cling
- www.motorcyclesafetyde.org
- Dealership pull-up
We hope to save lives by educating riders and increasing awareness of motorcycles on the roads. Here’s to a safe and happy summer!