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Tara Moore of Aloysius Butler & Clark Earns Diversity Certification

Tara Moore receives her post graduate certification in Diversity Studies

Tara Moore received her post graduate certification in Diversity Studies.

BLOOMSBURG, PA—Tara Moore of Aloysius Butler & Clark has added “diversity specialist” to her qualifications. The account executive recently earned a post-graduate certificate in diversity studies with an emphasis on workplace and healthcare diversity. This certification comes in addition to a master’s degree in human relations.

“A diverse workforce not only brings varied perspectives to the workplace, but also positively impacts an organization’s bottom line,” says Paul Pomeroy, managing partner and director of marketing at AB&C, a full-service marketing communications agency. “Regardless of industry, Tara is an incredible resource on diversity and inclusion for any client.”

Tara will organize and implement diversity training programs as well as educate leadership to understand individual differences and maximize contributions. Tara works primarily with the agency’s award-winning recruitment marketing team, which represents clients from the East Coast to Alaska. The team enables organizations to recruit and retain top talent by uncovering their unique “Employment Value Proposition.”

Visit for a Q-and-A with Tara: “Diversity and inclusion: why it’s important for your organization.”

Aloysius Butler & Clark is a 44-year-old full-service marketing communications agency with offices in Wilmington, Delaware, Philadelphia, and Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Established in business-to-business and consumer marketing, the agency brings creative intelligence to local, regional, national and international accounts in a variety of industries. Ad Week selected the agency as the “Top Shop” in Delaware.