AB&C&’s Recruitment Team Launches EssentialNurses.com, a Website Giving Nurse Managers Powerful Financial Insights for Improving the Bottom Line.
Agency teams up with DoubleStar, Inc. to offer nursing managers and recruiters an unprecedented online tool for assessing the cost of staffing vacancies, identifying areas for savings and formulating strategies to support profitability.
WILMINGTON, Del. (January 3, 2018) — Aloysius Butler & Clark (AB&C), one of the region’s largest full-service marketing communications agencies that also specializes in health care recruitment, recently launched a first-of-its-kind website aimed at empowering nurse recruiters and hiring managers with details on the true costs of their staffing vacancies. The site, EssentialNurses.com, allows a user to “run the numbers” by inputting information—such as annual net operating revenue, average RN salary and the average time that passes before filling a nursing vacancy—specific to his or her health system. After information is entered, the site’s algorithm will calculate instrumental numbers that allow the user to see the positive financial impact to be achieved by reducing the time taken to fill a vacancy by a given percentage. AB&C created the site in partnership with DoubleStar, Inc.,
Aloysius, Butler & Clark (AB&C), in collaboration with DoubleStar, Inc., one of the nation’s premier talent acquisition consulting firms, to help identify the algorithm used to make the Essential Nursing calculator function. The team approached the project with the vision of assisting nurse recruiters and managers justify and obtain budget increases for nursing recruitment, especially given the significant shortage of nurses in today’s marketplace.
“We don’t have a single client who isn’t looking to staff more nurses—nursing vacancies are getting harder to fill, and managers are always being asked to do more with less money,” said Shawn Kessler, Managing Director of Recruitment Marketing, Aloysius Butler & Clark. “Our goal in developing this site was to give our clients the ability to quantify a monetary value for their nursing vacancies so they cannot only make a better case for having their requested budget increase fulfilled, but also to show how much money they can bring into a system by hiring nurses faster.”
Quickly proving to be a game-changer for anyone who is responsible for nurse recruitment and nurse management, the calculator on EssentialNurses.com can be used free of charge. Key tools available include the ability for users to:
- Identify how much money their nursing vacancies cost their health systems
- Learn how much they could save by reducing the time between hires
- Customize results for their health systems, organization or department
- Benchmark their results against national averages
“DoubleStar has always prided itself on being able to help clients with their toughest recruitment challenges,” says Tony Trassati, Managing Director, DoubleStar, Inc. “Working with AB&C on this site gave us the opportunity to give clients a valuable cost-analysis tool that can help empower them with information that hasn’t been readily available to them. This is the first time that nursing managers have had access to a tool like this, and with it, they can easily see the amount of money they can save their health system.”
More information about this resource can be obtained by visiting www.essentialnurses.com.
About Aloysius Butler & Clark (AB&C)
AB&C is a 47-year-old full-service marketing communications agency with offices in Wilmington, Delaware, and Philadelphia and Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Established in business-to-business and consumer marketing, the agency brings creative intelligence to local, regional, national and international accounts in a variety of industries. Adweek recently selected the agency as one of its 50 “Top Shops” in the nation.
About DoubleStar, Inc.
DoubleStar is the country’s most experienced consulting firm focused on delivering practical, no-nonsense talent acquisition solutions to growing employers in the pharmaceutical, healthcare, biotech, information technology, financial services, and consumer products/retail industries. With 25 years of experience, DoubleStar has served 325 leading companies by delivering over 1,100 high-volume recruiting projects regionally, nationally, and globally.