Give the Gift of Life
The Success
The Living Donor campaign was a lifesaving success. The campaign generated 469 living donor questionnaires and 169 online form submissions. And in total, this campaign generated 12 kidney and liver evaluations, which resulted in four donated organs.
The Story
The MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute is an advocate for thousands of people waiting for an organ transplant. Already a leader in transplant surgery, MedStar wanted to focus their efforts on encouraging and motivating consumers to learn more and consider becoming a living organ donor. MedStar teamed up with AB&C to introduce, educate and raise awareness about the need for, and positive impact of, living organ donations.
The Strategy
AB&C's strategy for the MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute was to communicate to potential donors that the ability to save a life is within them. We took an altruistic approach and educated individuals about the importance of living organ donors, while also addressing many of the misconceptions. To educate potential kidney and liver donors, as well as those in need of a transplant, our messaging mirrored a public service announcement campaign to raise awareness about living organ donation.
The Success
The Living Donor campaign was a lifesaving success. The campaign generated 469 living donor questionnaires and 169 online form submissions. And in total, this campaign generated 12 kidney and liver evaluations, which resulted in four donated organs.
The Story
The MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute is an advocate for thousands of people waiting for an organ transplant. Already a leader in transplant surgery, MedStar wanted to focus their efforts on encouraging and motivating consumers to learn more and consider becoming a living organ donor. MedStar teamed up with AB&C to introduce, educate and raise awareness about the need for, and positive impact of, living organ donations.
The Strategy
AB&C's strategy for the MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute was to communicate to potential donors that the ability to save a life is within them. We took an altruistic approach and educated individuals about the importance of living organ donors, while also addressing many of the misconceptions. To educate potential kidney and liver donors, as well as those in need of a transplant, our messaging mirrored a public service announcement campaign to raise awareness about living organ donation.
The Success
The Living Donor campaign was a lifesaving success. The campaign generated 469 living donor questionnaires and 169 online form submissions. And in total, this campaign generated 12 kidney and liver evaluations, which resulted in four donated organs.
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Bus side

Metro card
TV spot
Online Banners
Excellence Award