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Posts by Coley duPont

  1. Uncategorized

    Things not going well with your ad agency?

    Has it been a while since you’ve gotten any killer ideas from your agency? Is the creative they give you an echo of the suggestions you gave them? Do you feel like they’re not giving you their best? You can do something about it. Give your agency a report card. Everyone that works for someone […]

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  2. Uncategorized

    Want more creativity from your ad agency?

    Five observations on getting the most out of the people you depend on for breakthrough marketing communications, or what 10 years on the client side and 35 years on the agency side has taught me. Among other things. Creativity isn’t a commodity. And you won’t get it out of your agency team by saying, “This […]

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  3. Uncategorized

    Convergence and causes

    In this country we are blessed with the opportunities of the free enterprise system that can richly reward the hard work and singular focus of driven entrepreneurs. However, the free enterprise economic model can be a fickle lover. It is devoid of emotion and will turn on the unwary. Today’s success is tomorrow’s Rubicon for […]

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  4. Uncategorized

    How’s your elevator speech?

      You get on an elevator, and the chirpy woman with the same show badge asks, “So, what do you do?”   Concentrating on nothing in particular on the way down to the convention hall was the game plan, but you answer, “I’m president of a bank.” “Wow,” Chirpy says. “What bank? That one they […]

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  5. Uncategorized

    Is it possible to be all things to all people?

    Generally no. But exceptional customer service can get you pretty close. Baby boomers have the cash and need wealth management advice; families need homes or car loans and college tuition money; Gen X and the Millennials want…well, who really knows, but they own the future. You want them all, right? If your teller lines at […]

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  6. Uncategorized

    Does being on the bleeding edge of technology matter?

    Techno-changes in banking are coming at the industry with breathtaking speed. Just when you think you know what you should invest in to gear up for one trend, it is leapfrogged by another. As soon as you got done optimizing your website for online banking, mobile came along and required another round of investment and […]

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  7. Uncategorized

    Want more creativity from your ad agency?

    Here are five observations on getting the most out of the people you depend on for breakthrough marketing communications, or what 10 years on the client side and almost 30 years on the agency side have taught me. Among other things. 1. Creativity isn’t a commodity. And you won’t get it out of your agency […]

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