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Stop the madness

In 2012 alone, 3,328 people were killed in distracted driving crashes.

In 2012 alone, 3,328 people were killed in distracted driving crashes.

Every day on my way to work I witness an amazing number of people who put their lives and the lives of others in jeopardy. People eating, reading the newspaper, smoking, putting on makeup, talking on their cell phones and — worst of all — texting. For what?

They swerve, drive too slow, run off the road, cut you off and stop abruptly. They piss off everyone around them. And most of the time they’re oblivious to the potential danger they’re causing. For what?

I’ve tried every way I know to deal with this, including ignoring them. But it’s impossible. It doesn’t seem to matter to them that using their cell phone while driving is illegal. It’s a dangerous epidemic on America’s roadways. And the statistics don’t lie: In 2012 alone, 3,328 people were killed in distracted driving crashes. For what?

The National Safety Council has plenty to say about it, too.

Texting and driving has actually grown to be a bigger threat than drinking and driving. Even young people are trying to stop the madness. Check out this video from a Viral Video Scholarship Contest.

It only takes a moment of carelessness to ruin or even end someone’s life. Possibly your own.

For what?

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