The Professional
Graduated from Pratt Institute in 2004 with a BA in visual communications.
Multiple logos published in the highly ranked LogoLounge books, with one also printed on the side of a corporate jet… life goals.
Favorite go-to brainstorming tactic is to write 100 words associated with the problem.
Takes pride in creating designs to support local nonprofits, artisans and musicians on the East Coast. #communityiseverything
Finds satisfaction in filling in the task boxes on her whiteboard.
The Personal
Courtney Love once purchased several pieces of her handmade jewelry.
First poltergeist experience was at the age of 11, which led to her becoming a paranormal investigator.
Collects early-American hearth brooms, with over 20 in her collection.
Part of a monthly friends’ horror movie club called “Murder Club.”
In the early ’80s, she was crowned a pageant queen as “Little Miss Hemisphere.” (Just ask. She’s got pictures to prove it.)