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Posts by John Sammons

  1. Uncategorized

    Taxicab advertising goes digital!

    When it comes to media outlets our ever-increasing demand for interaction has forced certain traditional forms of advertising to evolve — or risk the fate of the eight-track player. What comes to mind when you picture taxicab advertising — probably a small billboard atop a yellow car, right? Well think again. Taxi cab advertising is now […]

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  2. Uncategorized

    Dallas’s digital dynasty begins

    Sports marketing has been around at least since the 1870s, when a tobacco company started making baseball cards and sticking them in cigarette packs. Any sports fan will tell you that there is a special level of respect for those advertisers that sponsor their favorite team. Nowhere is this respect more evident than within the […]

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  3. Digital Media

    Digital is dynamic

    Digital outdoor displays are quickly becoming one of the best mediums for cost-effective, high-impact advertising. With the ability to change a client’s creative frequently and immediately, digital outdoor displays allow you to target your consumer with the most time-relevant message. Another advantage of digital displays over traditional static displays is consumer retention. Research shows that while […]

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