How to Streamline and Simplyfy the Apply Process on Your Career Site
Discover how simplifying the application process can enhance the candidate experience and boost your recruitment ROI.
Discover how simplifying the application process can enhance the candidate experience and boost your recruitment ROI.
Unlock the secrets to crafting compelling job descriptions that attract top talent by putting yourself in the candidate’s shoes and crafting engaging narratives.
Create a candidate magnet and boost engagement with expert tips on job descriptions, hiring events, and other content that converts.
Discover how you can revolutionize your recruitment strategy and ensure top visibility for your job listings.
Boost your hiring by enhancing the online candidate experience—our upcoming series will show you how.
What is Google for Jobs? When posting open job opportunities on the web, you may find that the same job posting appears in the search results from multiple job sites, through an applicant tracking system (ATS) or on a corporate careers page. To remove these redundant and often confusing search results for job seekers, Google […]
As marketers, we’re pretty good at defining audience groups within our target market, identifying their pain points and developing messaging that addresses those points. On a good day, we even come up with unique messaging for each audience segment. But there’s one segment that most marketers forget, ignore or consider to be “not our problem”—existing […]
Know what drives your prospects. As marketers, we need to help our sales teams with longer sales cycles face one of their biggest challenges: staying top-of-mind during a decision-making process that can drag on for months or years. At AB&C, we’ve come up with a process that uses strategy and technology to meet this challenge […]
This week, the folks at Facebook have released some major updates to their algorithm that will affect us as marketers. Click-baiting First, they’re targeting click-bait posts. As defined in their official release, “Click-baiting” is when a publisher posts a link with a headline that encourages people to click to see more, without telling them much […]
This has always been a pet peeve of mine. When someone utters this phrase, I think, “You should try harder.” I could care less vs. I couldn’t care less The point of the statement is that the speaker doesn’t care at all. But to say s/he could care less literally means that there is potential […]
Well, you can — if you don’t mind it ending or taking on an entirely different tone when the next semester starts. Social media has become the latest stepchild in the world of digital marketing campaigns. At least it has good company. When Quark and Pagemaker came out in the ’90s, everyone was an instant […]
So, you have marketing tactics driving people to your website. Great! The next question most marketers ask is, “How can I make the site work harder for me?” 1. Identify business goals. Before you can figure out how to make a landing page work harder, ask yourself, “What was the business need behind the campaign?” […]
These days, it seems like everyone is asking whether something is about to kill something else: “Will html5 kill flash?” “Will the iPad kill Kindle?” So, with tongue firmly in cheek, I thought, “I gotta get in on this killing spree.” In my daily romp through my normal news sites, I stumbled upon an article […]
If you missed the first part, check it out here. Now for the good: a coworker in our PR department had an experience in which FedEx missed a next-day delivery. She decided to voice her frustration by tweeting, “FedEx really expletive deleted on me today.” Within 30 minutes, she got a retweet from FedexAl asking […]
Everyone seems to be buzzing about Social Networks and how to take advantage of them for marketing purposes. It is a great opportunity for companies to join a conversation that’s already taking place rather than trying to start a new one. As with any conversation, you have to listen. Imagine walking into a crowded party […]