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Social Media

  1. A New Thread in the Metaverse

    On July 5, Meta launched its Twitter competitor: Threads, an Instagram App. Appearing in the App Store a day ahead of the announced launch date, Threads attracted at least 10 million signups—including celebrities, brands and political figures—within seven hours of launch, according to Meta. Billed as “a new app for sharing text updates and joining […]

  2. 2018 Social Media Shake-Up

    A new year is upon us, and I, for one, am more excited than ever because 2018 seems to finally be the year that social media has a seat at the big kids’ table. Social is here to stay, so brands need to make sure they’re doing everything they can to kill it with their […]

  3. AB&C

    ICYMI (In case you missed it) – Takeaways from Social Media Day 2016

    By Amanda Kalbrosky, Paige Miller and Caity Smith On June 30th, the 7th annual Social Media Day—a global day of recognition for the growing collection of social platforms—was held at our favorite middle school field trip destination: The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Speakers from more than 30 organizations shared their insights on everything from the […]

  4. Facebook Globally Launches Emoji ‘Reactions’

    Facebook has heard its users’ feedback loud and clear. For years, the networking conglomerate has been receiving requests for a “Dislike” button in addition to the “Like” button (I submitted one of those requests). On February 24, after many months of user testing in a number of countries, Facebook delivered so much more than a […]

  5. Twitter Helps Brands Cut through the Clutter

    Companies use social media as a way to receive feedback, engage with consumers, and market new products or ideas. But they share a common challenge when communicating on such a content-rich platform: It’s hard to stand out. Until now. Twitter has introduced a new way to view your timeline by showing you tweets you’re “most […]

  6. The Future of Mobile Ads

    The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity is stirring up conversations and sparking new ideas in the minds of advertising and business professionals. A breeding ground for networking opportunities and business partnerships, the weeklong advertising festival can be seen as “the SXSW for the international set,” complete with celebrity appearances and musical performances. According to […]

  7. A Classy Response to a Classless Tweet

    A baseball player from Bloomsburg University tweeted a shocking and unforgivable comment. The tweet was about Mo’ne Davis, the amazing young athlete who became an instant sensation during last year’s Little League World Series. In case you missed it: If you didn’t know, one of our Aloysius Butler & Clark offices is located in Bloomsburg, […]

  8. Cycling toward a healthier lifestyle.

    When the Department of Public Health asked us to promote — a resource to help Delawareans learn about cancer prevention, screening and treatment programs — we knew social media would play a key role. We partnered social media with paid media to run promoted posts and kick-start engagement. To capture the spirit of a […]

  9. How to develop your brand on social media

    Social media is a powerful way to build brand awareness and get your message out to millions. Three-quarters of the adult world is on social media every day! Here are some essential tips: Develop a strategic plan. Before engaging on social media, you need to answer two questions: Who are you trying to reach, and […]

  10. LinkedIn apathy — a curable disease

    When it comes to social media, LinkedIn often gets overlooked. Think about it like siblings from TV’s most famous sitcoms. I’ll go with shows from three eras — The Brady Bunch, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Modern Family. Facebook is the pretty and popular older sibling (Marcia Brady, Hilary Banks, or Haley Dunphy). Twitter […]

  11. They’re talking about you — online.

    Your online presence is bigger than you think. It’s certainly bigger than your website. People are talking about your business all over the Internet — whether you like it or not. Maybe you’ve never visited a review or social media site, but guess what? They’ve probably visited you. Someone stopped in for a bite, bought […]

  12. What in the tweet is going on back there?

    It’s not easy staying cool — just ask the Fonz, the Rolling Stones and the CB radio. Since dethroning MySpace five years ago, Facebook has reigned supreme in the social media world. But don’t look back, Facebook — something might be gaining on you. Many teens, twenty-somethings and even thirty-somethings are turning to Twitter. If […]

  13. How about a little insight, Facebook?

    After enough pushing, prodding and hearing the “But everybody’s on Facebook” argument, you finally decided your business needed a page. About 90 percent of small businesses are on it, so welcome to the club. Whether your page is brand-spanking new or a couple of years old, you want to know how you’re doing. As with […]

  14. A social media reporting battle plan

    At some point, your boss or client has probably asked for a social media report. Unfortunately, there is no quick way to create one. Like many other communications efforts, the evaluation stage is the first to fall victim to the mortal enemies of a PR team—tight deadlines and even tighter budgets. In an ideal world, […]

  15. Social media for small businesses – Part II

    Someone posted a negative comment on my business’ social media page. Should I delete it? No. Deleting negative comments does more harm than good. Instead, think about the most common customer complaints towards your business and develop a general response to each. If a negative post appears, take the appropriate general response and tailor it […]

  16. Social media for small businesses – Part I

    So you think you’re ready to take the plunge. No, not marriage, kids or swimming with those Polar Bear guys. We’re talking about social media here. Like those other plunges, you might not quite be sure what you’re getting yourself into. There’s no denying it: Social media has become a powerful marketing tool. Whether your […]

  17. Friends, Schmiends – Making Social Media Count

    The top 35 banks on Facebook reach a mere 0.6% of their base, according to a study by Retail Bank International. “If you exclude the three top-performing banks, the average drops to one in every 525 customers – only 0.2% of their base.” The numbers point to three interesting challenges financial institutions face in crafting […]

  18. #Oops

    Have you ever posted something you regret on your Facebook or Twitter? Maybe you posted an inside joke on someone’s wall that was supposed to be for their inbox. Or you tweeted a quote after a long night out that wasn’t as funny in the morning. Or — my personal favorite — you searched for […]

  19. The Leader of the Facebook Pack

    The first three posts in my Facebook news feed this morning were: A video of my neighbor’s new puppy (cute!) A picture of the beach in Greece where my best friend is vacationing (jealous!) A rant on the morning commute from a high school classmate (unintentionally hilarious!) On the surface, these posts have nothing in […]

  20. Your Facebook cheat sheet

    Facebook. One out of every 13 people on earth is on it. More than half of all social media traffic in the United States comes from it. It’s no wonder that it has become a component of every good PR strategy. But unlike traditional media outlets, with their long histories of best practices and protocols […]

  21. @whatKellythinks about #Twitter

    The AB&C Twitter team recently went to the #deltweet event at Firestone, a quarterly (ideally) networking event for Delaware tweeters. Nine of our tweeters attended the event, one of whom attended virtually via tweets, following the team and the deltweet hashtag. We kept @ChrisMarts updated and entertained while he lay sick in bed. “Oh @ABCadvertising […]

  22. Why is Twitter such a big deal?

    I’m not going to lie. When I was asked to attend the 2010 TWTRCON Twitter for Business conference in NYC, I thought, “Seriously? A conference for Twitter?” I mean, how hard is it to string together 140 characters as an update? Why on earth is there a full conference on this stuff? What’s the big […]

  23. The right tool for the job

    My husband is a carpenter, so he’s into tools. As a social media guru, so am I. Whenever we come up with a project, we immediately start thinking about what tools we have and what we may need to buy. We’ll scour yard sales, flea markets and the Internet to find just the right compound […]

  24. Is Twitter dead? It shouldn’t matter.

    Every once in a while you’ll see an article asking “Is Twitter Dead?” even suggesting that if you’ve been avoiding Twitter as part of a “non-strategy,” it may be paying off! The problem with that perspective is that Twitter is not a strategy. It’s not even a tactic. It’s a channel! The strategy (and ultimately […]

  25. Barbie uses social media to choose her next career

    The 50-plus doll was once limited to traditionally “feminine” career choices such as ballerina, model, teacher or nurse. As times changed and women threw off their shackles (did Barbie ever even have a bra to burn?), her options expanded: paratrooper, paleontologist, pilot and even President of the United States. Now, for the first time ever, […]

  26. Next up: Social Cavity Search

    We can get overwhelmed sifting through blogs and online discussions. That’s why we turn to our social circle for recommendations. But our friends also have several social network accounts and each one has a lot of information. So how do we keep track of it all? Don’t fret, fellow social butterflies: Google is developing Social […]

  27. Social, net, work.

    Yammer is a simple way for employees to connect and share by posting messages. As more employees participate, it becomes a corporate social network, discussion board and knowledge base. Yammer is like a combination of Facebook and Twitter. Your company can create a profile that mimics the look of Facebook: picture, wall posts/messages, an information […]

  28. A better way to manage your business’s Twitter feed

    The “Contributors” feature from your friends at Twitter, currently in beta testing, will enable your company to have multiple contributors to its Twitter feed. Each Tweet will include the writer’s byline. In addition, “Contributors” promises two different levels of access: Enhanced and Partial. Enhanced Access will allow contributors to view the account dashboard and it […]

  29. Tweet your way into Saks’ window display

    As part of its legendary holiday display, Saks Fifth Avenue has partnered with Microsoft to put video screens, hooked up to computers, in its windows. The screens will display real-time tweets. When people use the #holidaywindows hash-tag on Twitter, their beaming tweets about Windows 7 (and their holiday wishes) will pop up in the Saks […]

  30. Using social media for good – and for your brand

    Target recently ran a two-week campaign on Facebook called “Bullseye Gives.” The premise? The mammoth retailer offered a choice of ten charities, from breast cancer research to the Red Cross. People voted for their favorites. The prize? Target will split $3 million among the charities based on the percentage of votes they received. It’s a […]

  31. Would you sacrifice your friends for a free burger?

    Did you hear about Burger King’s recent “Whopper Sacrifice” Facebook promotion? The promotion attempted to get Facebook users to “sacrifice” ten friends in exchange for a coupon for a free Whopper. Facebook didn’t like the promotion and Burger King had to take it down after one week, but only after 234,000 friendships had ended. Here’s […]

  32. Grass roots meets social networking: Introducing the Twestival

    What happens when civic-minded social networkers decide to rally together and use technology to raise money for charity? A Twestival! In September 2008, a group of Twitterers based in London decided to organize an event at which the local Twitter community could socialize in person. During the event, they also solicited donations to charity. The […]

  33. The best brands using Twitter

    By now, you have probably heard people talking about Twitter. Reporters are Twittering during the commercials breaks on CNN and Fox News. Senators were Twittering during President Obama’s recent address. It seems like every day, someone else is joining Twitter. But what the heck is Twitter? And how can advertisers use it effectively? Twitter is […]